RUMnet model Usage
Introduction to modelling with RUMnet
We reproduce in this notebook the results of the paper Representing Random Utility Choice Models with Neural Networks on the SwissMetro dataset.
# Install necessary requirements
# If you run this notebook on Google Colab, or in standalone mode, you need to install the required packages.
# Uncomment the following lines:
# !pip install choice-learn
# If you run the notebook within the GitHub repository, you need to run the following lines, that can skipped otherwise:
import os
import sys
import os
# Remove/Add GPU use
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "1"
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
from import ChoiceDataset
from choice_learn.models import RUMnet
from choice_learn.datasets import load_swissmetro
Note that there are two implementations of RUMnet: one more CPU-oriented and one more GPU-oriented. The import of the right model is automatically done. You can also import the model directly with:
First, we download the SwissMetro dataset:
We follow the same data preparation as in the original paper in order to get the exact same results.
Now, we can create our ChoiceDataset from the dataframe.
Let's Cross-Validate ! We keep a scikit-learn-like structure. To avoid creating dependancies, we use a different train/test split code, but the following would totally work:
from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit
rs = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=5, test_size=.2, random_state=0)
for i, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(rs.split(dataset.choices)):
train_dataset = dataset[train_index]
test_dataset = dataset[test_index]
model = RUMnet(**args)
We just use a numpy based split, but the core code is the same!
model_args = {
"num_products_features": 6,
"num_customer_features": 83,
"width_eps_x": 20,
"depth_eps_x": 5,
"heterogeneity_x": 10,
"width_eps_z": 20,
"depth_eps_z": 5,
"heterogeneity_z": 10,
"width_u": 20,
"depth_u": 5,
"optimizer": "Adam",
"lr": 0.0002,
"logmin": 1e-10,
"label_smoothing": 0.02,
"callbacks": [],
"epochs": 140,
"batch_size": 32,
"tol": 0,
indexes = np.random.permutation(list(range(len(dataset))))
fit_losses = []
test_eval = []
for i in range(5):
test_indexes = indexes[int(len(indexes) * 0.2 * i):int(len(indexes) * 0.2 * (i + 1))]
train_indexes = np.concatenate([indexes[:int(len(indexes) * 0.2 * i)],
indexes[int(len(indexes) * 0.2 * (i + 1)):]],
train_dataset = dataset[train_indexes]
test_dataset = dataset[test_indexes]
model = RUMnet(**model_args)
losses =, val_dataset=test_dataset)
probas = model.predict_probas(test_dataset)
eval = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=False)(y_pred=model.predict_probas(test_dataset), y_true=tf.one_hot(test_dataset.choices, 3))
cmap =
colors = [cmap(j / 4) for j in range(5)]
for i in range(len(fit_losses)):
plt.plot(fit_losses[i]["train_loss"], c=colors[i], linestyle="--")
plt.plot(fit_losses[i]["test_loss"], label=f"fold {i}", c=colors[i])
A larger and more complex dataset: Expedia ICDM 2013
The RUMnet paper benchmarks the model on a second dataset. If you want to use it you need to download the file from Kaggle and place the train.csv file in the folder choice_learn/datasets/data with the name expedia.csv.
from choice_learn.datasets import load_expedia
# It takes some time...
expedia_dataset = load_expedia(preprocessing="rumnet")
test_dataset = expedia_dataset[int(len(expedia_dataset)*0.8):]
train_dataset = expedia_dataset[:int(len(expedia_dataset)*0.8)]
model_args = {
"num_products_features": 46,
"num_customer_features": 84,
"width_eps_x": 10,
"depth_eps_x": 3,
"heterogeneity_x": 5,
"width_eps_z": 10,
"depth_eps_z": 3,
"heterogeneity_z": 5,
"width_u": 10,
"depth_u": 3,
"tol": 0,
"optimizer": "Adam",
"lr": 0.001,
"logmin": 1e-10,
"label_smoothing": 0.02,
"callbacks": [],
"epochs": 15,
"batch_size": 128,
"tol": 1e-5,
model = RUMnet(**model_args)
losses =, val_dataset=test_dataset)
probas = model.predict_probas(test_dataset)
test_loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=False)(y_pred=model.predict_probas(test_dataset), y_true=tf.one_hot(test_dataset.choices, 39))