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Data Preprocessing for Basket Models

Datasets loader.

csv_to_df(data_file_name, data_module=OS_DATA_MODULE, sep='')

Load and return the dataset.


Name Type Description Default
data_file_name str

Name of the csv file to load

data_module str

Path to directory containing the data file, by default DATA_MODULE


Encoding method of file, by default "utf-8"

sep str

Separator used in the csv file, by default ''



Type Description

Loaded dataset

Source code in choice_learn/basket_models/
def csv_to_df(
    data_file_name: str, data_module: str = OS_DATA_MODULE, sep: str = ""
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Load and return the dataset.

    data_file_name: str
        Name of the csv file to load
    data_module: str, optional
        Path to directory containing the data file, by default DATA_MODULE
    encoding: str, optional
        Encoding method of file, by default "utf-8"
    sep: str, optional
        Separator used in the csv file, by default ''

        Loaded dataset
    path = os.path.join(data_module, data_file_name)

    return pd.read_csv(path, sep=sep)

from_csv(data_file_name, nrows=None, sep=None, store_id_col='store_id', item_id_col='item_id', session_id_col='session_id', quantity_col='quantity', week_id_col='week_id', price_col='price')

Build a TripDataset from a csv file (with preprocessing).

The csv file should contain the following columns: - store_id - item_id - session_id - quantity - week_id - price (not necessarily with these names).


Name Type Description Default
data_file_name str

Name of the csv file to load

nrows Union[int, None]

Number of rows to load, by default None

store_id_col str

Name of the store id column, by default "store_id"

item_id_col str

Name of the item id column, by default "item_id"

session_id_col str

Name of the session id column, by default "session_id"

quantity_col str

Name of the quantity column, by default "quantity"

price_col str

Name of the price column, by default "price"

week_id_col str

Name of the week id column, by default "week_id"



Name Type Description
trip_dataset TripDataset

TripDataset built from the csv files (with preprocessing)

n_items int

Number of distinct items in the dataset

n_stores int

Number of distinct stores in the dataset

n_trips int

Number of distinct trips in the dataset

(trip_dataset, n_items, n_stores, n_trips)
Source code in choice_learn/basket_models/
def from_csv(
    data_file_name: str,
    nrows: Union[int, None] = None,
    sep: str = None,
    store_id_col: str = "store_id",
    item_id_col: str = "item_id",
    session_id_col: str = "session_id",
    quantity_col: str = "quantity",
    week_id_col: str = "week_id",
    price_col: str = "price",
) -> tuple[TripDataset]:
    """Build a TripDataset from a csv file (with preprocessing).

    The csv file should contain the following columns:
    - store_id
    - item_id
    - session_id
    - quantity
    - week_id
    - price
    (not necessarily with these names).

    data_file_name: str
        Name of the csv file to load
    nrows: int, optional
        Number of rows to load, by default None
    store_id_col: str, optional
        Name of the store id column, by default "store_id"
    item_id_col: str, optional
        Name of the item id column, by default "item_id"
    session_id_col: str, optional
        Name of the session id column, by default "session_id"
    quantity_col: str, optional
        Name of the quantity column, by default "quantity"
    price_col: str, optional
        Name of the price column, by default "price"
    week_id_col: str, optional
        Name of the week id column, by default "week_id"

    trip_dataset: TripDataset
        TripDataset built from the csv files (with preprocessing)
    n_items: int
        Number of distinct items in the dataset
    n_stores: int
        Number of distinct stores in the dataset
    n_trips: int
        Number of distinct trips in the dataset

    trip_dataset, n_items, n_stores, n_trips
    # Load the data and select the first nrows
    dataset = csv_to_df(data_file_name=data_file_name, data_module=OS_DATA_MODULE, sep=sep)
        "Number of transactions in the total dataset: ",
    dataset = dataset.iloc[:nrows]

    # Print some statistics about the dataset
    dataset_grouped_by_item = csv_to_df(
        data_file_name=data_file_name, data_module=OS_DATA_MODULE, sep=sep
    dataset_grouped_by_trip = csv_to_df(
        data_file_name=data_file_name, data_module=OS_DATA_MODULE, sep=sep
    ).groupby(["session_id", "store_id"])
    print(f"Nb of items in the total dataset: {dataset_grouped_by_item.ngroups}")
    print(f"Nb of trips in the total dataset: {dataset_grouped_by_trip.ngroups}")
        "Average number of items per trip in the total dataset: ",
        "Min and max number of items per trip in the total dataset: "
        f"{dataset_grouped_by_trip.size().min()}, {dataset_grouped_by_trip.size().max()}"

    # Rename columns
    dataset = dataset.rename(
            store_id_col: "store_id",
            item_id_col: "item_id",
            session_id_col: "session_id",
            quantity_col: "quantity",
            price_col: "price",
            week_id_col: "week_id",

    print(f"Before mapping the item ids: {dataset['item_id'].unique()=}\n")

    # Map the indexes
    for column in dataset.columns:
        if column[-3:] == "_id":
            print(f"Remapping {column}")
            if column == "item_id":
                # 1-index mapping (the checkout item 0 is counted in n_items)
                map_indexes(dataset, column, index_start=1)
                # O-index mapping
                map_indexes(dataset, column, index_start=0)
    # /!\ TODO: the same ids accross datasets are not necessarily mapped to the same index
    # --> The remapping should be done on the whole dataset after having merged the
    # different subsets?

    print(f"After mapping the item ids: {dataset['item_id'].unique()=}\n")

    # Normalize the raw prices (the price for a given trip is divided by the per-item mean price)
    # Drop rows with NaN values in the price column
    dataset = dataset.dropna(subset=["price"])

    # Division by the mean of the prices of the given item in the different trips
    dataset["price"] = dataset["price"] / dataset.groupby("item_id")["price"].transform("mean")
    # Other possibility : division by the mean of the prices of the items in the given trip
    # dataset["price"] = dataset["price"] / dataset.groupby("session_id")["price"].transform(
    #     "mean"
    # )

    n_items = dataset["item_id"].nunique() + 1  # +1 for the checkout item
    n_stores = dataset["store_id"].nunique()

    # Divide the data into trips
    dataset_trips = []

    grouped_sessions = list(dataset.groupby("session_id"))
    for trip_idx, (trip_id, trip_data) in enumerate(dataset.groupby("session_id")):
        purchases = trip_data["item_id"].tolist()
        store = trip_data["store_id"].tolist()
        # All the trips of a given session have the same week_id
        week = trip_data["week_id"].tolist()[0]

        if len(purchases) != len(set(purchases)):
            # Remove duplicates while preserving order
            purchases = list(dict.fromkeys(purchases))

        # Create price array with error handling
        # (Price of checkout item 0: 1 or another default value > 0)
        # (-1 means that the price has not already been set)
        prices = np.array([1] + [-1] * (n_items - 1))

        # 1. Get the price of each item in the trip
        for item_id, session_id in zip(purchases, trip_data["session_id"]):
                if isinstance(
                    dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"]).loc[(item_id, session_id)][
                    # Then the price is a Pandas series (same value repeated)
                    if (
                            dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"])
                            .loc[(item_id, session_id)]["price"]
                        == (
                            dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"])
                            .loc[(item_id, session_id)]["price"]
                        # Ensure that the price is not NaN
                        # (The price is NaN when there is no item_id in session_id)
                        prices[item_id] = (
                            dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"])
                            .loc[(item_id, session_id)]["price"]
                        prices[item_id] = 1  # Or another default value > 0
                    # Then the price is a scalar
                    if (
                        dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"]).loc[(item_id, session_id)][
                        == dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"]).loc[(item_id, session_id)][
                        # Ensure that the price is not NaN
                        # (The price is NaN when there is no item_id in session_id)
                        prices[item_id] = dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"]).loc[
                            (item_id, session_id)
                        prices[item_id] = 1  # Or another default value > 0

            except KeyError:
                prices[item_id] = 1  # Or another default value > 0

        # 2. Approximate the price of the items not in the trip with
        # the price of the same item in the previous or next trip
        for item_id in range(n_items):
            if prices[item_id] == -1:
                found_price = False
                step = 1
                while not found_price:
                    # Proceed step by step to find the price of the item
                    # in the k-th previous or the k-th next trip
                    prev_session_id, prev_session_data = None, None
                    next_session_id, next_session_data = None, None

                    if trip_idx - step >= 0:
                        prev_session_id, prev_session_data = grouped_sessions[trip_idx - step]
                    if trip_idx + step < len(grouped_sessions):
                        next_session_id, next_session_data = grouped_sessions[trip_idx + step]

                    if (
                        prev_session_data is not None
                        and item_id in prev_session_data["item_id"].tolist()
                        # If item_id is in the previous trip, take the
                        # price of the item in the previous trip
                        if isinstance(
                            dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"]).loc[
                                (item_id, prev_session_id)
                            # Then the price is a Pandas series (same value repeated)
                            prices[item_id] = (
                                dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"])
                                .loc[(item_id, prev_session_id)]["price"]
                            # Then the price is a scalar
                            prices[item_id] = dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"]).loc[
                                (item_id, prev_session_id)
                        found_price = True

                    elif (
                        next_session_data is not None
                        and item_id in next_session_data["item_id"].tolist()
                        # If item_id is in the next session, take the
                        # price of the item in the next trip
                        if isinstance(
                            dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"]).loc[
                                (item_id, next_session_id)
                            # Then the price is a Pandas series (same value repeated)
                            prices[item_id] = (
                                dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"])
                                .loc[(item_id, next_session_id)]["price"]
                            # Then the price is a scalar
                            prices[item_id] = dataset.set_index(["item_id", "session_id"]).loc[
                                (item_id, next_session_id)
                        found_price = True

                    if trip_idx - step < 0 and trip_idx + step >= len(grouped_sessions):
                        # Then we have checked all possible previous and next trips

                    step += 1

                if not found_price:
                    prices[item_id] = 1  # Or another default value > 0

        for store_id in store:
            purchases_store = trip_data[trip_data["store_id"] == store_id]["item_id"].tolist()
                    purchases=purchases_store + [0],  # Add the checkout item 0 at the end
                    assortment=0,  # TODO: Add the assortment

    # Build the TripDatasets
    assortments = np.expand_dims(np.ones(n_items), axis=0)  # TODO: Add the assortments
    trip_dataset = TripDataset(trips=dataset_trips, assortments=assortments)

    n_trips = len(trip_dataset)

    print(f"{n_items=}, {n_stores=} and {n_trips=}")

    return trip_dataset, n_items, n_stores, n_trips

map_indexes(df, column_name, index_start)

Create the mapping and map the values of a column to indexes.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

DataFrame containing the column to map

column_name str

Name of the column to map

index_start int

Index to start the mapping from



Type Description

Mapping from values to indexes

Source code in choice_learn/basket_models/
def map_indexes(df: pd.DataFrame, column_name: str, index_start: int) -> dict:
    """Create the mapping and map the values of a column to indexes.

    df: pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame containing the column to map
    column_name: str
        Name of the column to map
    index_start: int
        Index to start the mapping from

        Mapping from values to indexes
    unique_values = df[column_name].unique()
    # Index the items id starting from index_start
    mapping = {value: index + index_start for index, value in enumerate(unique_values)}
    df[column_name] = df[column_name].map(mapping)

    return mapping