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Prerequisites & Setup


You need a GCP project ready to use Vertex Pipelines. You'll need to activate the following services:

  • CloudBuild
  • Artifact Registry
  • Storage
  • Vertex Pipelines

And create some stuff in it.

📋 Prerequisites

  • Unix-like environment (Linux, macOS, WSL, etc.)
  • Python 3.8 to 3.10
  • Google Cloud SDK
  • A GCP project with Vertex Pipelines enabled

🛠️ Setup

  1. Setup your GCP environment:

    export PROJECT_ID=<gcp_project_id>
    gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
    gcloud auth login
    gcloud auth application-default login

  2. You need the following APIs to be enabled:

  3. Cloud Build API
  4. Artifact Registry API
  5. Cloud Storage API
  6. Vertex AI API

    gcloud services enable \ \ \ \

  7. Create an artifact registry repository for your base images (Docker format):

    export GAR_DOCKER_REPO_ID=<your_gar_repo_id_for_images>
    export GAR_LOCATION=<your_gar_location>
    gcloud artifacts repositories create ${GAR_DOCKER_REPO_ID} \
        --location=${GAR_LOCATION} \

  8. Build and upload your base images to the repository. To do so, please follow Google Cloud Build documentation.

  9. Create an artifact registry repository for your pipelines (KFP format):

    export GAR_PIPELINES_REPO_ID=<your_gar_repo_id_for_pipelines>
    gcloud artifacts repositories create ${GAR_PIPELINES_REPO_ID} \
        --location=${GAR_LOCATION} \

  10. Create a GCS bucket for Vertex Pipelines staging:

    export GCP_REGION=<your_gcp_region>
    export VERTEX_STAGING_BUCKET_NAME=<your_bucket_name>
    gcloud storage buckets create gs://${VERTEX_STAGING_BUCKET_NAME} --location=${GCP_REGION}

  11. Create a service account for Vertex Pipelines:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create ${VERTEX_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
        --member="serviceAccount:${VERTEX_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \
    gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://${VERTEX_STAGING_BUCKET_NAME} \
        --member="serviceAccount:${VERTEX_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \
    gcloud artifacts repositories add-iam-policy-binding ${GAR_PIPELINES_REPO_ID} \
       --location=${GAR_LOCATION} \
       --member="serviceAccount:${VERTEX_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \