Source code for nlpretext.augmentation.text_augmentation

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import logging
import re
from itertools import combinations

import nlpaug.augmenter.word as naw

[docs]class CouldNotAugment(ValueError): # noqa: D101 pass
[docs]class UnavailableAugmenter(ValueError): # noqa: D101 pass
[docs]def augment_text( text: str, method: str, stopwords: Optional[List[str]] = None, entities: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Given a text with or without associated entities, generate a new text by modifying some words in the initial one, modifications depend on the chosen method (substitution with synonym, addition, deletion). If entities are given as input, they will remain unchanged. If you want some words other than entities to remain unchanged, specify it within the stopwords argument. Parameters ---------- text : string method : {'wordnet_synonym', 'aug_sub_bert'} augmenter to use ('wordnet_synonym' or 'aug_sub_bert') stopwords : list, optional list of words to freeze throughout the augmentation entities : list, optional entities associated to text if any, must be in the following format: [ { 'entity': str, 'word': str, 'startCharIndex': int, 'endCharIndex': int }, { ... } ] Returns ------- Augmented text and optional augmented entities """ augmenter = get_augmenter(method, stopwords) augmented_text = augmenter.augment(text) if entities is not None: return process_entities_and_text(entities, text, augmented_text) return augmented_text, []
[docs]def process_entities_and_text( entities: List[Dict[str, Any]], text: str, augmented_text: str ) -> Tuple[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Given a list of initial entities, verify that they have not been altered by the data augmentation operation and are still in the augmented text. Parameters ---------- entities: list entities associated to text, must be in the following format: [ { 'entity': str, 'word': str, 'startCharIndex': int, 'endCharIndex': int }, { ... } ] text: str initial text augmented_text: str new text resulting of data augmentation operation Returns ------- Augmented text and entities with their updated position in augmented text """ formatted_entities = [ ( text[entities[i]["startCharIndex"] : entities[i]["endCharIndex"]].strip(), entities[i]["entity"], ) for i in range(len(entities)) ] if are_entities_in_augmented_text(entities, augmented_text): augmented_entities = get_augmented_entities(augmented_text, formatted_entities) clean_entities = clean_sentence_entities(augmented_text, augmented_entities) return augmented_text, clean_entities raise CouldNotAugment("Text was not correctly augmented because entities were altered")
[docs]def are_entities_in_augmented_text(entities: List[Dict[str, Any]], augmented_text: str) -> bool: """ Given a list of entities, check if all the words associated to each entity are still present in augmented text. Parameters ---------- entities : list entities associated to initial text, must be in the following format: [ { 'entity': str, 'word': str, 'startCharIndex': int, 'endCharIndex': int }, { ... } ] augmented_text : str Returns ------- True if all entities are present in augmented text, False otherwise """ check = True for ent in entities: if ent["word"] not in augmented_text: check = False return check return check
[docs]def get_augmenter(method: str, stopwords: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> naw.SynonymAug: """ Initialize an augmenter depending on the given method. Parameters ---------- method : str (supported methods: wordnet_synonym and aug_sub_bert) stopwords : list list of words to freeze throughout the augmentation Returns ------- Initialized nlpaug augmenter """ if method == "wordnet_synonym": return naw.SynonymAug(aug_src="wordnet", stopwords=stopwords) if method == "aug_sub_bert": return naw.ContextualWordEmbsAug( model_path="bert-base-uncased", action="substitute", stopwords=stopwords ) raise UnavailableAugmenter( "The given augmenter is not supported. You must choose one \ of the following: wordnet_synonym or aug_sub_bert" )
[docs]def get_augmented_entities( sentence_augmented: str, entities: List[Tuple[str, Any]] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get entities with updated positions (start and end) in augmented text. Parameters ---------- sentence_augmented : str augmented text entities : list entities associated to initial text, must be in the following format: [ { 'entity': str, 'word': str, 'startCharIndex': int, 'endCharIndex': int }, { ... } ] Returns ------- Entities with updated positions related to augmented text """ entities_augmented = [] for entity in entities: search =[0].strip(), sentence_augmented) if search: start_index = search.start() end_index = search.end() new_entity = { "entity": entity[1], "word": sentence_augmented[start_index:end_index], "startCharIndex": start_index, "endCharIndex": end_index, } entities_augmented.append(new_entity) return entities_augmented
[docs]def clean_sentence_entities(text: str, entities: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Paired entities check to remove nested entities, the longest entity is kept. Parameters ---------- text : str augmented text entities : list entities associated to augmented text, must be in the following format: [ { 'entity': str, 'word': str, 'startCharIndex': int, 'endCharIndex': int }, { ... } ] Returns ------- Cleaned entities """ entities_to_clean = [dict(s) for s in {frozenset(d.items()) for d in entities}] for element1, element2 in combinations(entities_to_clean, 2): result = check_interval_included(element1, element2) if result is not None: try: entities_to_clean.remove(result[0]) except IndexError: logging.warning( "Cant remove entity : {} \n entities are now :{} \n for sentence : {} ".format( result, entities_to_clean, text ) ) continue return entities_to_clean
[docs]def check_interval_included( element1: Dict[str, Any], element2: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Optional[Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Comparison of two entities on start and end positions to find if they are nested. Parameters ---------- element1 : dict element2 : dict both of them in the following format { 'entity': str, 'word': str, 'startCharIndex': int, 'endCharIndex': int } Returns ------- If there is an entity to remove among the two returns a tuple (element to remove, element to keep). If not, returns None """ if ( (element1 != element2) and (element1["startCharIndex"] >= element2["startCharIndex"]) and (element1["endCharIndex"] <= element2["endCharIndex"]) ): return element1, element2 if ( (element1 != element2) and (element2["startCharIndex"] >= element1["startCharIndex"]) and (element2["endCharIndex"] <= element1["endCharIndex"]) ): return element2, element1 if ( (element1 != element2) and (element1["startCharIndex"] >= element2["startCharIndex"]) and (element1["endCharIndex"] >= element2["endCharIndex"]) and (element1["startCharIndex"] <= element2["endCharIndex"] - 1) ): return element1, element2 if ( (element1 != element2) and (element2["startCharIndex"] >= element1["startCharIndex"]) and (element2["endCharIndex"] >= element1["endCharIndex"]) and (element2["startCharIndex"] < element1["endCharIndex"] - 1) ): return element2, element1 return None