Source code for nlpretext.cli.preprocess

from typing import List

import typer
from nlpretext.preprocessor import Preprocessor
from nlpretext.textloader import TextLoader
from rich.console import Console

app = typer.Typer()
console = Console()

[docs]@app.command() def run( input: List[str] = typer.Option( # noqa: B008 [], "-i", "--input", case_sensitive=False, help="List of files that will be preprocessed", ), output: str = typer.Option( None, "-o", "--output", case_sensitive=False, help="File that will store the result of the preprocessing", ), ) -> None: """Runs NLPretext on a list of files and outputs the result in parquet format or shows the result if no output is provided. Args: input: List of files that will be preprocessed output: File that will store the result of the preprocessing """ text_loader = TextLoader() preprocessor = Preprocessor() preprocessed_text_dataframe = text_loader.read_text(input, preprocessor=preprocessor) if output: preprocessed_text_dataframe.to_parquet(output) else: console.print(preprocessed_text_dataframe)